Stuff is the kind of a catch all for everything else. Generally it contains all of the things you pay a small monthly subscription for - such as a public phone number - or call recording space. It also houses call groups and locations.
Voice Prompts + Music on Hold - open this by highlighting it green and then clicking on Edit. This is where you find any music and/or message recordings that you have done, and uploaded to babblevoice.
Group... this is where you see the groups that are setup that your devices may be members of. By clicking on a group and then pressing Edit, you can see which devices are currently members of it. Typically, you might have a group for the reception phones and another for office admin. babblevoice will manage the queues for these groups and ensure that everyone is answered as quickly as possible and the workload is shared around fairly.
Location this is an important part of babblevoice. Each device needs a location set for it to inform 999 services in case a 999 call is made from that device. Please read our emergency calls doc for more information about this.
EMIS Web for those surgeries that are integrating with EMIS. More details can be found here.
Call Recording click on this and then press the Edit button to view. From here you can see your monthly spend on call recordings and Edit it if required.
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