Desktop babblevoice Desktop is an application which runs in a browser, Google Chrome extension or on Windows. It is a helper application to the phone on your desk. Your phone will work very well on its own, but babblevoice Desktop gives you more functions than are available on your phone: See who is on the phone or not. Dial. Transfer a call (both blind and attended). Integrations (i.e. EMIS Web).
Devices is just another name for phones (it can be used for other things as well, but for the purposes of this training it is just phones!). Your devices are based on the extensions spreadsheet completed prior to install, but can be edited/added to at any time. User Name in devices refers to the extension number which must be 4 digits long. Each extension will have a name attached which can easily be changed as new people join and others leave (click on the device you want to change, then hit the Edit button).
Money This is where you find and access the financial aspects of babblevoice. If you have access to more than one domain, the domain that you are viewing is highlighted in green (in the example above, the domain is omniis). You can see at a glance the funds left on the domain and the call spend bars. These will change colour - red if you are running out of funds, through to orange and then blue if you have plenty of money.
Stuff Stuff is the kind of a catch all for everything else. Generally it contains all of the things you pay a small monthly subscription for - such as a public phone number - or call recording space. It also houses call groups and locations. Voice Prompts + Music on Hold - open this by highlighting it green and then clicking on Edit. This is where you find any music and/or message recordings that you have done, and uploaded to babblevoice.
The Console This is what a babblevoice console (this can also be referred to as a ‘domain home page’) looks like and is what you use to configure your phone system. The console is accessed from the babblevoice homepage, where you click the Sign in with Google button. All access to babblevoice is done using a Google account and therefore you will need to set up a google account or link it to an existing account.
What is a domain? Domain is simply a technical term used to logically group a bunch of stuff together. In this example, two domains are available. You may have one or more to choose from. The domain highlighted green is the one that you are viewing the console for - in this instance omniis. In babblevoice, under a domain you have a bunch of phones, call rules and users who have access to manage these items and other stuff.
Welcome This training section is designed to give you an introduction into all things babblevoice. The main babblevoice Console, Vibes and Desktop interfaces can all be accessed from here. As well as the blog and docs section. The training is broken into the following sections: Your equipment The Console Domain Money Devices Rules Auto-attendant & IVR Users Stuff Desktop Vibes Support Next section - Your equipment
Users Clicking on the Users button in the menu bar will enable you to view who has access to the domain. This screen will also allow you to remove users you no longer want to be able to access your domain. Clicking on a User and then pressing the Edit button in the blue bar will allow you to see/edit their permissions (what they have access to on your babblevoice system).
Vibes Vibes is babblevoice’s reporting suite - a full reporting dashboard which is designed for both a managers personal reporting system and for a large screen format designed to provide useful feedback for teams of users. Vibes can be accessed a couple of ways: From your console click on the Vibes button in the menu bar. From - hover over the Sign in button in the top right hand corner of the page and then click on Vibes.
Your Equipment babblevoice is designed to be as simple to use a phone system as one can get. Ultimately though, you do need some equipment - you need a phone to talk on and some ‘stuff’ in your building: A broadband connection A router One or more network switches One or more phones Broadband High speed broadband connections are available in most parts of the country. In a lot of areas you can also get fibre broadband connection which boast higher speeds and a more reliable connection.
Auto Attendant and IVR You will often hear the term IVR (Interactive Voice Response) and auto attendant used interchangeably. However, they are subtly different… Auto-attendants provide simple menu choices to direct the user to the correct person - using a predefined route - or set of rules. IVR - uses some integration with a computer system. babblevoice supports both! Auto Attendant An example of how the auto attendant can be used in babblevoice is shown in the rule below:
Rules are where the magic happens! Rules allow you to direct calls depending on the time/date and user responses. Click on Rules, as shown above, to open up the Rules section. All call rules are written in plain English, and sentences are built up from ‘rule chunks’ (parts of a sentence). You can delete rules, add new ones and edit existing rules from this screen. Different rules can also be joined together by jumping from one call rule to another - you can therefore make your rules as simple or as complex as you like!