Intro This document takes you through how to upload the music you have chosen to use, or to upload a voice prompt that you may have recorded on an external device.
To use Music on Hold & Voice prompts, you need to first add this to your subscription. Please read our Voice Prompts doc if you need to do this.
Please note, we have the following storage limits in place:
Intro Voice Prompts are used to store recordings for auto attendants. This feature also has the ability to store files used for Music on Hold. After adding the subscription, you can edit the subscription which will allow you to upload files into the Voice Prompt/Music on Hold storage space. When set to only Voice Prompts, then these files will be made available to rule chunks which allow them to be played as part auto attendants.
Intro This guide takes you through how to record a voice recording from a babblevoice phone. You can also record a prompt on an external device i.e. your mobile and upload it to babblevoice. Please read our guide Uploading Music and Voice Prompts to babblevoice.
How to record your own voice prompt:
Log onto your console at Click on the section marked ‘Stuff.’ Select Voice Prompts from the list, so that it is highlighted green and select Edit at the top of the screen.
Information Security Policy Introduction The Organisation’s Information Security Policy applies to all business functions within the scope of the Information Security Management System and covers the information, information systems, networks, physical environment and people supporting these business functions. This document states the Information Security objectives and summarises the main points of the Information Security Policy.
Objective The objective of Information Security is to ensure business continuity and minimise business damage by preventing and minimising the impact of security incidents.
Privacy Policy for babblevoice IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS DOCUMENT By subscribing to babblevoice Services you are agreeing to the following privacy policy
We handle high volumes of phone calls on behalf of our customers. In order to do this we store and transmit data on your behalf.
From a privacy perspective, you are the controller of data we hold, and babblevoice is a processor. This means that whilst you subscribe to our services, you retain ownership of and control over any data in your account.
Intro You can access your domain settings by clicking on the cog on your console. This will then open a pop up window as below: Alternatively, the same settings can be found for each device (or phone!), by clicking:
Device Edit Advanced
This allows the settings to be configured differently on a phone by phone basis. Max spend per minute This value sets the maximum amount of money that you will be allowed to spend on each call.
How the matching works Pattern matching compares each digit of the match rule with the caller id. If the match rule is only 3 digits long, it will stop matching at 3 digits and if the first 3 digits match then it will be considered a match. Multiple match strings can be added separated by a comma.
If the match string contains a ‘^’ then this means ‘not’, for example, 00^0 means the 3rd digit cannot be a 0.
Voice All traffic to and from babblevoice is carried via SIP and its companion RTP. We don’t encrypt any of the data between any end point. SIP communications are secured via usernames and password. A phone never sends a username or password in a call. An MD5 hash of the username and password along with a random string is sent by the phone, so anyone who tries to hijack this information will not be able to use it.
Intro In order to get the most out of babblevoice, these quality guidelines may prove useful for you.
Deciding on whether to use call compression or not may be just trial and error for you. If you use it:
You will probably be able to squeeze more calls on your Internet line without suffering quality issues. You can make use of HD compression - making the quality of sound even clearer between two babblevoice users.
We have put together some items that you may wish to check / further investigate before you carry out any VOIP Install.
Ensure the Internet line has Quality of Service (QoS) i.e Voice is prioritised over data, ideally a dedicated fibre line such as BT infinity. Ensure a VOIP enabled router and correct firmware is being used - recommendations on our wiki; Router Recommendations The router has SIP ALG Switched off; see Supported Routers for advice on disabling SIP ALG.
Where are we? babblevoice is a service managed by babble Ltd with offices based in Hertfordshire.
121 High Street
General Enquiries General enquiries such as administration, sales and accounts should be directed to or call 01442 299280.
Technical Enquiries If you have an issue, in the first instance, please check your local equipment. Restarting equipment sorts out the majority of issues for our clients.
If you have a babblevoice query:
Calls to 999 or 112 babblevoice allows calls through to the emergency services. This is however reliant on your equipment onsite to be powered, available and have a connection to the Internet.
To allow your location information to be passed to the emergency services in the event of a 999 call being made, then an external number must be added to your domain and set up correctly.
Location information It is a requirement on using this service to provide up to date valid address/location information.
Intro Porting a number into babblevoice is extremely easy if you follow the guide
Ensure you don’t cancel the line before we try to port, ensure there are no services provisioned on the line otherwise the port will fail, services such as redcare security are a prime example, check our fees page for the price of porting. Gather the following information Use Word or PDF versions of our porting form to trigger the porting process.
Reseller Terms and conditions babblevoice is responsible for: providing the reseller with timely and accurate support acting, at all time, in good faith towards the reseller providing the reseller with such information as may be needed by the reseller to introduce new users The reseller is responsible for: ensuring the user’s infrastructure is up, running and suitable for babblevoice providing the user with timely and accurate support behaving in a professional manner towards babblevoice users at all times identifying users and getting them up and running with babblevoice complying with all reasonable and lawful instructions from babble ltd not representing the reseller as babblevoice but as an authorised reseller of babble ltd services acting as the user’s representative when communicating with babble ltd The reseller is not an agent of babblevoice.
Terms of business for babblevoice IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS DOCUMENT By subscribing to babblevoice Services you are agreeing to the following terms of business
Terms used in these terms of business babblevoice Services/Services All or any part of the business [VOIP services, facilities, software and gadgets] which we own and operate, as described from time to time on the Website.
User Anyone you authorise to use the Services.
Intro Available from the money section. Moving money from your account to a customers account needn’t be difficult! Just select the domain you want to transfer to, set how much you want to transfer, then make the move!
Invoices Your invoices are available to view from your console - go to and sign in to The Console.
You then need to click on Statement, which is found in the blue menu bar:
This then allows you to access the year that you would like to view and each transaction for that year.
Each monthly invoice is available by clicking on the date you would like to view and provides the detail from that particular month.
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